Current Issue
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Medical Standards & Ethics
About Journal
Journal of Medical Standards & Ethics (JMSE) is an international scholarly peer reviewed journal dedicated to serve the international community through publications from the broader legal and ethical aspects of medicine dentistry. The journal seeks to promote standards of medical practice, ethical reflection and conduct in scientific research and medical practice on one hand, and provide scientific resources used in the elucidation of ethical breaches and crime in the medical profession, on the other hand.
Journal of Medical Standards & Ethics (JMSE) is the official journal of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN). JMSE will be of interest to anyone involved in providing global health policies, public health programs, scientific integrity, and professional ethics bringing together multiple expertise - achievement of interdisciplinarity - in the service of ethical reflection both in research and with patients. The journal is particularly appreciative of articles discussing tensions raised by the confrontation between legal issues and medical practice. JMSE features articles on various ethical aspects of health care relevant to health care professionals, members of clinical ethics committees, medical ethics professionals, researchers and bioscientists, policy makers and patients.
The scope of the subjects covered by JMSE will be dealt with in:
- Review articles tracing development in specific areas and providing up-to-date analysis of them
- Original articles discussing recent research results of a high standard
- Case reports describing interesting and exceptional cases
- Short Communications discussing research results
- Author meets critics eliciting authors responses to skepticism
- Letters to the Editors, in which the readers have the opportunity of expressing their comments on new results reported or indeed on other matters, and
- Current controversy & Clinical ethics roundtable, this section is designed to provide a forum for discussion of contemporary thematic issues: papers submitted for publication should provide clear and concise information to guide genuine discussions.
- Expert Opinions The journal also publishes invited articles, views, reviews and supplements from leading experts on topical issues.
- Student/Young doctor essay as part of mentoring in ethics
- JMSE also welcomes submissions in the form of Editorial Commentary, Expert Opinions, Perspective, Proceedings, Thesis, Book Reviews, Image articles, etc., spanning all the topics of medically related legal and ethical studies.